Vladimir Uyba – about measures to support young families when buying or building housing • Russia today

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Vladimir Uiba – about measures to support young families for the purchase or construction of housingVladimir Uiba – about measures to support young families for the purchase or construction of housing Today, in a video message, the head of Komi, Vladimir Uiba, spoke about social payments to young families for the purchase or construction of housing. According to him, this year the republic will provide social payments for the purchase or construction of housing for young families. This work is carried out in accordance with the Decrees of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and within the framework of the implementation of the national project “Housing and Urban Environment”. Support is provided by the state program of the Komi Republic “Development of construction, provision of citizens with affordable and comfortable housing and utilities.” There are already first results from this support measure. The head of Komi spoke about this in more detail. “In 2023, the Komi government raised funds from the federal budget for the purchase or construction of residential buildings for 56 young families. Now all 56 families have received the appropriate certificates, of which 52 families have improved their living conditions with the help of these. I remind you that in the Komi Republic 2023 was declared the Year of Youth, and on my instructions, additional funds were allocated from the republican budget to improve the living conditions of young families. We found 100 million rubles for 79 young families,” said V. Uiba. The Youth Political Committee of the Komi Republic developed an appropriate procedure for accepting documents and conducted an application campaign. A list of young families entitled to social benefits has been compiled. As a result of the work carried out, 79 families received certificates, 55 families have already received money totaling 73 million 176 thousand rubles transferred to bank accounts. The Komi authorities provide social benefits in a very short time. All payments will be made by the end of December. In addition, in 2023, the regional authorities decided to introduce an additional measure of support for young families. This measure was introduced for families in need of improved housing and whose monthly income does not exceed 60 thousand rubles. 60 million rubles were allocated from the republican budget at the rate of no more than 3 million per family. About 20 families will be able to benefit from the payment. This support is provided through a preferential mortgage loan at 1% per annum and a loan amount of no more than 3 million rubles. The measure of support is provided by the Komi Mortgage Company. The company began accepting applications from young families from May 10, 2023. A total of 47 applications were received, of which 22 applications were approved by November 20, of which loan agreements have already been concluded for a total amount of 57 million 490 thousand rubles. 21 applications completed. “Let me remind you that young families can count on one more type of support. At the birth or adoption of one child, they have the right to an additional social benefit in the amount of 5% of the average cost of housing, calculated according to Federal legislation. The fee is used to pay part of the costs associated with the purchase or construction of housing. In 2023, one young family from the Ust-Kulomsky district took advantage of this measure,” said the head of Komi. In total, under all state support programs this year, more than 120 young families from 18 municipalities of the Komi Republic will improve their living conditions. “Family support is one of the main tasks of state social policy in the country and the republic, and next year it will become a top priority. Our President Vladimir Putin declared 2024 the Year of the Family in Russia. In the Komi Republic, preparations for the Year of the Family have already begun. I will inform you, but I already want to say that we will continue the support measures that we have in Komi next year, because they have proven their effectiveness,” concluded the head of the region.

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