Unusual hypotheses about the Universe that science does not reject – Russia today

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Perhaps humanity will never reveal all the secrets of space, and some non-standard assumptions cannot even be verified. One of these hypotheses speaks of a “Universal Mind”. This point of view is quite far from traditional science and assumes the presence of global consciousness. Space is considered not as a huge space filled with matter, but as a living and primary thinking being, a passive and indifferent observer and the main factor determining the direction of development, establishing the laws of physics and regulating the flow of time. . It challenges basic human understanding of the world around us. It can be shown that consciousness is an integral part of the Universe, like gravity or electromagnetic fields. In this case, we must take a different look at our own position in the Universe and the nature of reality itself. Quantum communications Throughout history, humanity has tried to speed up the transfer of information. First there were instant messengers, then mail, telegraph, radio, and now the Internet has appeared. Communications based on quantum entanglement offer a universal solution for all times. Information can be transmitted instantly, faster than the speed of light and over any distance. This concept is based on quantum entanglement. Two particles that can be found in different parts of the solar system, galaxy, and even the universe have a stable relationship. A change in the state of one of them immediately affects the other. The advantages of the practical application of this mechanism are obvious. Humanity can receive a global communications network, not limited by wires, receivers and modems. There will be encryption methods that cannot be cracked. Finally, this interstellar connection will allow you to enter the “general chat” and communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations. Of course, if such exist at all. Biocentrism. This model views life and intelligence not as an accident or a by-product of the existence of the Universe, but as its pillars. The more traditional scientific view is turned on its head, although the opposite may also be true. The laws of physics, matter and the Universe itself exist only thanks to the presence of living observers. This point of view forces us to rethink many things, including our position in the global hierarchy. What good is the vast and absolutely beautiful Universe if no one can see and describe this beauty? With the death of the last observer, when life completely disappears, in a sense, the cosmos will cease to exist. On the other hand, if consciousness and intelligence influence reality, they must be intertwined in some way with the fabric of the cosmos. a deeper path. , perhaps an unbreakable path. Simply put, the Universe will not allow life to disappear if its existence depends on it. This hypothesis is based not only on philosophical views, but also on quantum mechanics. The most impressive is the experiment with light, which behaves like a beam or a particle depending on the presence or absence of an observer. Multiverse The only thing that can force us to write the word “universe” with a small letter is the existence of parallel worlds. In this case, the status will decrease, because it turns out that there are many universes. Perhaps infinitely many, which only gives rise to new questions for which there are no answers. There are several main versions of how the Multiverse works. Some proponents of the theory believe that the fundamental laws of physics are the same everywhere. In this case, we can expect many interpretations of our world, where local events occurred in a different order or had a different effect. For example, life did not originate on Earth, but on Mars, which did not lose its atmosphere, or dinosaurs did not become extinct because a meteorite flew past. A more radical version of the multiverse suggests the existence of incomprehensible worlds with different physical constants. However, the biggest question is whether it is possible to move a physical object, or even a signal, between these parallel universes. Life on rogue planets. Rogue planets are cosmic objects that have planetary mass and a spherical shape, but do not have a gravitational connection with the star. Usually such bodies revolve around the center of the galaxy, but intergalactic wanderers could theoretically exist. Modern cosmological models do not suggest the possibility of planet formation outside stellar systems. This means that they must be ejected into the external environment as a result of deorbit or some large-scale cataclysm such as the death of the parent star. Despite the cold of interstellar space, large planets can remain warm for long periods of time. This is facilitated by the hydrogen atmosphere and internal reserves. In addition, the ice sheet may retain atmosphere, heat, and even life if it completely covers the planet. We hope to find something similar beneath the surface of Enceladus and Europa, the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. They receive almost no solar heat, but are considered a promising place to search for life.

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