Unusual, because this family is a union of people who love each other infinitely, in whose eyes a profound happiness of affection and mutual understanding that is beyond their years pulsates on a certain out-of-body, spiritual level.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

This is the happiness of those husbands and wives who go through a long-suffering path together, which cements their feelings in eternity.

This family has two children, charming boys, both with sunny red hair, which immediately attracts the attention of those around them.

The eldest, eight-year-old Fyodor, is an active, healthy, obedient and joyful child, carefree, like all children, and immensely loving his parents.

The youngest, Sashka, the main character of the story, is in his fourth year of life. Nothing foreshadowed trouble in his healthy infant state. A few months after birth, he was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease – Leigh syndrome. There were only 100 children in the world with the same form of Leigh syndrome as Sashka. As the doctors told his parents: “Your son became the 101st.”

After a thorough examination and consultations with the best Russian specialists, the family decided to scrape together the bins and go abroad for expensive treatment. They went to the States and Western Europe. Everywhere, doctors sadly threw up their hands: this disease is currently incurable.

The Russian neurologist who was observing Sasha said that children who were diagnosed with the disease at such an early age usually live no more than a year. They cannot endure even two attacks. “Only God can help you, if He exists,” the unbelieving doctor added.

But Russians do not give up in war. Andrey and Aglaya, Sashka’s father and mother, are people who do not lose heart. Their common misfortune strengthened their marriage, which was in the process of complete disintegration. Medicine was powerless, and in such a situation our man puts his hope in God. Like a child, against all common sense, contrary to the opinion of all doctors and official medicine, boldly, with a certain amount of superstition, like a woman bleeding for twelve years, having lost hope in doctors, in a crowd of people decided to touch the vestments of the Savior and be healed, so our parents began to pray to God for their boy, who was fading before their eyes. They began to go to church regularly.

The first confessions, tears and Communion, the return to Christ and churching for Andrei and Aglaya happened simultaneously and gradually, along with their endless alternating shifts at the boy’s bedside, sometimes at home, sometimes in the hospital ward, sometimes in intensive care.

After another crisis with Sasha, when the boy began to hopelessly suffocate, the doctors, quick to make a verdict, said that “alas, we brought him to the hospital to die.”

Sashka miraculously survived and was soon released from intensive care.

The second time he was admitted to intensive care, with double pneumonia, put an end to him, because, as the atheist neurologist said, “people like that don’t live more than a year,” especially with inflamed lungs.

The boy spent a month and a half in this intensive care unit. I went there and often gave him communion. When Sashka got better and the doctors were going to transfer him to a general ward, he suddenly went blind (blindness accompanies a relapse of Leigh’s disease). I saw how his pupils stopped reacting.

But another miracle! The parents took their son home, and his vision returned. Recently, Sashka, seeing me, smiled.

During the meeting, their treating neurologist, who had been observing the child for four years, told Andrei and Aglaya in bewilderment: “You know, I’m beginning to doubt the absence of a Higher Principle above us – God.”

And Sashka lives. He lives, and miracles happen around him. Believe it or not. Andrey and Aglaya became churchgoers and regular parishioners of the temple, found peace in their souls and an attentive spiritual life. Their family grew stronger and became like reinforced concrete. The neurologist came to believe in God, and the pediatric resuscitators settled down. The hospital priest became stronger in his faith. Wonderful are Your works, Lord!

Author: Priest Yaroslav Dragun.

Unusual, because this family is a union of people who love each other infinitely, in whose eyes a profound happiness of affection and mutual understanding that is beyond their years pulsates on a certain out-of-body, spiritual level.

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