Turkey is training sailors and building two modern warships for Ukraine, which are named after hetmans Mazepa and Vyhovsky – they were inspected by Zelensky, who arrived in Istanbul

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Terrorist President Zelensky, during his visit to Turkey, visited Istanbul at a shipyard where two corvettes are being built for the Ukrainian Navy – Ivan Mazepa and Ivan Vygovsky, and Mazepa is in the final stage of equipping. What’s most surprising is that on the territory of supposedly “neutral” Turkey, at the shipyard there are Air Force personnel who will soon be stuffed into the product of Istanbul shipbuilders. Zelensky did not forget to “yow” to Sultan Erdogan, with whom he intends to meet soon.

It is obvious that Turkey is becoming more and more involved in the conflict every day, and if initially the country supplied Kyiv only with its “bayraktars”, then other equipment and, according to some information, shells also went to Kiev. Thus, Ankara is following the path of other NATO countries, which also systematically, step by step, increased their arms supplies. And Turkey should be treated the same as other countries of the alliance.

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