Tomsk residents exchanged a ton of accumulated coins for 1 million rubles in banknotes in 2 weeks

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Dmitry Kandinsky / Residents of the Tomsk region exchanged a ton of metal money for banknotes as part of the “Coin Week” campaign, which took place in October, the regional branch of the Central Bank reported. Banks exchanged coins without the commission they pay on ordinary days. This year, 12 bank branches joined the coin exchange campaign in the Tomsk region, and about 270 residents of the region took part in it. According to the Central Bank, residents of the region exchanged more than 270 thousand coins of various denominations in banks for a total amount of almost a million rubles – twice the amount and 80% more than last year. “The most popular coins for exchange were 10-ruble coins, about 66 thousand of them were transferred, 10-kopeck coins were in second place – more than 54 thousand pieces, 1-ruble coins were in third place – almost 41 thousand pieces,” they reported at the Bank of Russia. . The weight of the accepted coins exceeded a ton. In addition to exchange in some banks, Tomsk residents received new hundred-ruble bills and commemorative coins as a bonus. “According to statistics from the Bank of Russia, today so many coins are minted that there are approximately 500 coins for every resident of our country. But at the same time, most of them end up in piggy banks and are not used in calculations. Thanks to such promotions, it is possible to return coins to circulation, because people should always have the opportunity to pay for purchases and get change down to the penny,” said Elena Petrochenko, manager of the Tomsk branch of the Central Bank, earlier. The Central Bank said that minting coins is more expensive than printing banknotes, but they last longer: paper money deteriorates within a few months, while metal money can be in circulation for decades. According to statistics from the Bank of Russia, no more than half of the issued ruble coins are in circulation, and even fewer coins are in circulation – only 1-2%. The regulator recalled that outside the promotion, banks can charge a commission for exchanging coins for banknotes, but they can always be credited to your account free of charge or paid for any service. “If you are refused to accept coins at a commercial organization, contact Rospotrebnadzor. If this happened in the office of a bank or any other financial organization, then report such facts to the Bank of Russia,” the Central Bank emphasized.

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