Today we continued work to optimize the activities of resource supply organizations and other institutions of the republic. – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Krymgazseti”

We considered problematic issues of additional gasification of populated areas of the republic, implementation of the investment program, and provision of liquefied gas to the population. He instructed the company to simplify the system for receiving services and relieve consumers of bureaucratic red tape. It is also necessary to more carefully monitor construction projects: each one must be assigned someone responsible for the timing and quality of execution. The enterprise needs to strengthen cooperation with the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and heads of municipal administrations to ensure the implementation of all activities planned for this year for technological connections to gas networks.

State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Krymenergo”

The company continues to systematically fulfill its obligations regarding technical connections to power grids. For example, Krasnoperekopsky Distribution Zone was able to enter the schedule in accordance with the concluded agreements – there are no more overdue obligations here. The situation remains acute in Alushta, Saki and Simferopol regions, but there are positive dynamics. In addition, Krymenergo continues to rotate personnel, which will also increase the efficiency of its work.

State Public Institution “Investstroy of the Republic of Crimea”

The quality of the institution’s work is growing, approaches to certain issues are changing. We need to continue to build competent collaboration with contractors. If obligations are violated, prompt management decisions must be made; one must not allow oneself to be deceived over and over again. In addition, Investstroy specialists need to work more carefully with the reasons for the increase in the cost of a particular object. An increase in price is possible only in exceptional cases and must be agreed with the authorities.

JSC “Development Corporation of the Republic of Crimea”

It is necessary to determine penalties for violating project deadlines and specify them when concluding an agreement with a potential investor. At this stage, other than termination of the agreement, there are no penalties for the unscrupulous performer. This means that damage to the republic’s economy may be caused: the project’s implementation deadlines are missed, taxes are not paid, and jobs are not created. This is a demonstration of ineffective and weak work. The approach and attitude to the assigned tasks must change, or the question of making personnel decisions will be raised. I take the activities of the Corporation under special control.

Based on materials from the Telegram channel “Aksyonov Z 82”

Sergey Aksyonov: Today we continued work to optimize the activities of resource supply organizations and other institutions of the republic.

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