This rare photograph was taken on Arbat behind the scenes during a visit to the restored Vakhtangov Theater by military leaders and marshals of the Soviet Union.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In the photo are Govorov, Rokossovsky, Konev, Meretskov, whose life and work are connected with our region. In the center of the photo is the theater’s chief director, Ruben Nikolaevich Simonov, who has been permanent since 1939. As a director, he determined the future path of the theater. The war directly affected the cultural institution. The destruction of Vakhtangovsky was a heavy loss for Moscow – on July 23, 1941, a high-explosive bomb fell on it. People died. And the building was damaged so badly that it could not be restored. Stalin personally gave the order to rebuild the theater, and the architect Pavel Abrosimov took over the project. After the war, the leaders of the Soviet army often visited the theater, fortunately the General Staff was located within walking distance. And now the connection between the theater and the army is not broken: State Academic Theater named after. Evgeniy Vakhtangov took patronage over a military unit in the Donbass.

This rare photograph was taken on Arbat behind the scenes during a visit to the restored Vakhtangov Theater by military leaders and marshals of the Soviet Union.

This rare photograph was taken on Arbat behind the scenes during a visit to the restored Vakhtangov Theater by military leaders and marshals of the Soviet Union.

This rare photograph was taken on Arbat behind the scenes during a visit to the restored Vakhtangov Theater by military leaders and marshals of the Soviet Union.

This rare photograph was taken on Arbat behind the scenes during a visit to the restored Vakhtangov Theater by military leaders and marshals of the Soviet Union.

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