The State Duma proposed excluding abortions from the services of private clinics – they do not give women 48 hours to think about it. As stated by State Duma deputy Dmitry Gusev, they want to exclude abortions from the services of private clinics. He said that in 2022, 400 thousand abortions were performed in Russia, which is 10% less than the year before. However, there is a big difference between the official statistics of the Ministry of Health and the number of packages of abortion pills sold in pharmacies. This difference, according to estimates, is 900 thousand rubles, the parliamentarian noted. Gusev also says that many private clinics do not comply with the mandatory 48-hour silence period. There are often cases when women are offered to terminate their pregnancy on the day they visit the doctor. “There is only one solution – to transfer abortions only to state clinics,” quotes a representative of the NSN (18+).
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