These three pairs of zodiac signs are born geniuses. – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Astrologers have long studied the compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage, and also determined which couples most often give birth to talented children. Three couples have been identified who have the best chance of conceiving and raising a genius. Zodiac signs compatible in love and marriage: Aries and Scorpio. Such parents pass on high potential to their children. Their children are distinguished by their determination and high intelligence, which manifests itself at an early age. Zodiac signs compatible in love and marriage: Gemini and Aquarius. These zodiac signs give birth to talented children: with diverse interests and many talents. They have well-developed logic and also have a creative gift. The main danger is that there can be too many hobbies. Therefore, it is important to determine the direction in time (with the help of parents, of course) and focus on the most important things. Zodiac signs compatible in love and marriage: Leo and Sagittarius. From this union, versatile, talented and intellectually developed children are born. They study well and strive for success, achieving it even in their school years. They strive to learn new things until they grow old. Our Novorossiysk newspaper

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