In the Kama region, a future father was arrested for his love of chess, and he owed his children 1.5 million rubles for maintenance.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The man fled to another region, but could not miss the tournament. The bailiffs of the Kama region managed to keep the father on child support through a Japanese chess tournament. As the department’s press service said, the man has two children aged 9 and 7, but he did not help them in any way, so his registration address accumulated a child support debt in the amount of 1.5 million rubles, and later it turned out that he was hiding in Krasnodar edge. But his love for chess played a role. The man flew from Sochi to Perm for a Japanese chess tournament and was going to return to the south, but the bailiffs arrested him at the airport. “An administrative violation report was drawn up against the irresponsible parent under Part 1 of Art. 5.35.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Failure to pay child support” The court, having examined the case materials, sentenced him to 80 hours of forced labor,” the press service reported. Federal Bailiff Service for the Perm Territory Earlier, reported that in Perm an African pretended that he did not know Russian in order not to pay alimony.

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