The size is small, but at least that’s all. This amount will be transferred to each pensioner from May 11

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Pensioners will begin receiving cash bonuses from May 11. From May 11, banks will begin to transfer bonuses to pensioners for transferring pensions to their credit organizations. The size of the bonus will depend on the bank and the status of the pensioner: Pensioners receiving a pension through the Ministry of Defense and the police: 4,000 rubles: 2,000 rubles. Get a bank card of a certain brand. Start receiving a pension on this card. Bonus payment conditions: Pensioners who transferred their pension to the bank and received the first payment in April: from May 11. Other pensioners: after all conditions are met. Expert of the “Pension Expert” program Sergei Vlasov noted that the size of the bonus may vary depending on the bank, but usually amounts to 1.5-2 thousand rubles.

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