The publication caused a flurry of outrage. – Russia today

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In Poland, a scandal erupted over an erotic photo shoot in the working Bogdanka coal mine, located in the Lublin Voivodeship.

According to the newspaper Wyborcza, the photo shoot with naked models was held at a depth of 960 meters underground inside the mine, against the backdrop of coal workings and mining equipment.

Polish parliament member Marta Wcisło published photographs of nude models on her social media profile, claiming that they were provided to her by miners. Her post caused widespread outrage among the country’s citizens. On social networks, Poles called the photo shoot a “shame,” “deliberate objectification of women,” and “sexism in its purest form.”

In response to public outrage, the mine management released an official statement in which they stated that the photo shoot was carried out to create the Bogdanka calendar and was organized by the company supplying equipment to the mine.

The statement notes that the administration of Bogdanka was not informed about the controversial nature of the photo shoot and that the mine does not intend to create or promote calendars with naked women.

Bogdanka is the most profitable coal mine in Poland. It produces a significant portion of the country’s coal, which is then supplied to power plants in the Eastern region of Poland.

The publication caused a flurry of outrage.

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