The President of Russia made a televised address in connection with the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall: – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Putin called the terrorist attack bloody and barbaric, which killed dozens of innocent people.

The President expressed condolences to those who have lost relatives and friends and said that the state will provide all necessary assistance to all families whose lives have been affected by terrible misfortune.

Putin thanked doctors and ordinary citizens for helping the victims of the terrorist attack in Crocus.

All four direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack in Crocus were detained; they tried to escape towards Ukraine.

The main thing is to prevent those behind the Crocus massacre from committing new crimes.

Additional anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage measures have been introduced in Moscow and the Moscow region.

We are faced not just with a carefully planned terrorist attack, but with a prepared mass murder of people.

The poisonous seeds of discord and discord in our multiethnic society will not work for anyone.

Vladimir Putin noted that everyone who was behind this terrorist attack will face retribution.

At the moment, the death toll is already 143 people, but this may not be the final figure…

Tomorrow has been declared a day of mourning in Russia.

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Based on materials from the Telegram channel “Actually in the Dnieper”
Appeal to Russian citizens
Appeal to Russian citizens

Source: Kremlin. News

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