The Polish Foreign Ministry announced a discussion of the issue of launching Russian missiles into Ukraine.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The Polish authorities are now considering the possibility of involving the republic’s air defense forces in missile attacks by the Russian Armed Forces over Ukraine. This was announced by the official representative of the Polish Foreign Ministry Pavel Wronsky. “This issue is being considered from a legal and technical point of view, but there are no solutions to this issue,” he said, the Ukrainian authorities have already turned to Warsaw with such a request, adding that conversations on this topic in Poland appeared after reports that the Russian Armed Forces missile in March of this year violated the airspace of the republic, staying in it for 39 seconds. The question is whether Polish air defense forces will be able to launch such missiles over Ukraine and what legal consequences this will entail. In making his decision, he noted that Germany and other Western countries are not seriously discussing the possibility of launching Russian missiles and UAVs over Ukraine. Otherwise, this would mean direct entry into conflict. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced this on May 21.

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