The police have not found a connection between the murder of a schoolboy in Irkutsk and the series “The Boy’s Word”

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The connection between the murder of a 15-year-old boy at a bus stop in Irkutsk and the series “A Boy’s Word. “Blood on the asphalt” has not been confirmed, police said. “Employees of the intermunicipal department” of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs “Irkutsk” quickly detained an alleged suspect of committing a particularly serious crime. He explained that he had not watched the series. Thus, the information about the connection of the incident with the series is not confirmed,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a statement. The Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Irkutsk Region, Svetlana Afanasyeva, also denied the connection between the murder and the series “Information is now spreading that the children copied their actions from the series “The Boy’s Word,” which has been sensational in recent days. Blood on the asphalt.” This is not the first time such comparisons with the series have occurred. Unfortunately, many people just want to promote themselves without thinking about the consequences. It has been established that there is no connection with the series. Investigation Actions are taken with all participants and witnesses. The results of the investigation are under my control,” the ombudsman said. In Irkutsk, a schoolboy was stabbed to death after asking “Which district are you from?” The teenager and four classmates were waiting at the bus stop. According to eyewitnesses, a group of strangers approached them and started a conflict. When the commotion began, one of them pulled out a knife and stabbed the student in the neck. Suspects of the murder of a 15-year-old schoolboy in Irkutsk were detained 200 kilometers from the crime scene. Investigators are checking the theory that they may have been under the influence of alcohol and illegal substances. According to the Telegram channel “112”, one of the detainees is registered with the PDN. It was he, according to investigators, who dealt the fatal blow with a knife. Series by Zhora Kryzhovnikov “The Word of a Boy. Blood on the Asphalt” talks about the “Kazan phenomenon” – the formation of youth criminal groups in the 1970-1980s. According to some officials, the series should be banned because it romanticizes gangsterism and creates false images of the criminal world in the eyes of young people.

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