The new season has opened at the ski resorts of the Dmitrov region • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

December 01, 2023, 13:36 Press service of the administration of the Dmitrov city district Read 360tv in The ski resorts of the Dmitrov region have opened the winter season. Traditionally, in the Moscow region they begin work first and usually become the most visited: the Volen sports park and two slopes of the Leonid Tyagachev ski club were opened for guests. This club is the training base for the Russian alpine skiing and snowboarding teams, and the Sorochany ski resort has also started operating. There are modern slopes, you can rent equipment, there are hotels and restaurants. You can also ski on slope No. 1 at the Tseleevo Ski Club. The resort also has equipment rentals, a restaurant and a hotel. Works on a club card system; Only one guest visit per season is allowed. “Our resorts have everything you need for a comfortable holiday: modern slopes, a wide selection of equipment for any level of training, comfortable hotels and restaurants, as well as rental of ski equipment,” said the head of the Dmitrov city district, Ilya. Ponochevny Let us remind you that this year two resorts in the Dmitrov region received the national award “Mountains of Russia”. The winner in the nomination “Best ski resort of the Central Federal District” was the Sorochany club, and in the nomination “Best hotel in the ski resort of the Central Federal District” – the hotel-chalet “Volen”. Earlier, Governor Andrei Vorobyov called for taking care of tourists who will come to the Moscow region for the New Year holidays. News from the Moscow region is discussed in SuperChat 360. Authors: Anastasia KosenkoIrina Karpova

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