The mental hospital has problems with the roof – an entrepreneur from Shepetkiv is on the blacklist

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In Vladivostok, this year it was not possible to complete a major repair of the roof of the psychiatric hospital building on Shepetkova. The entrepreneur was found in the spring for 3.35 million rubles. However, he did not complete the work either at the end of June or at the end of September, and now IP Emelin will be included in the list of unscrupulous ones. The Ministry of Health promises that the roof will survive the winter and will be completed next year. Primorsky OFAS Russia considered an appeal from the Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital to include information about an individual entrepreneur in the register of unscrupulous suppliers. Previously, an agreement was concluded between them to carry out major repairs to the roof of building No. 1 of a medical institution. The contract price is 3,349,030.45. Initially, another million was allocated. According to the schedule, all work was to be completed by June 30. The deadline for the work was postponed several times, but the work at the site was not completed until October 10. In addition, as a result of the client’s inspection, it was determined that the work performed did not comply with the terms of the contract, and further operation of the roof was unsafe. In this regard, a client contacted Primorskoye OFAS Russia, dissatisfied with the timing and quality of the contractor’s work. Having considered the appeal, the Primorsky OFAS Russia decided to include information about the individual entrepreneur Emelina M.A. to the register of unscrupulous suppliers for a period of two years. True, this is unlikely to help the roof; the repairs will have to be completed. The Ministry of Health stated that the building will survive the winter: “The existing roofing system is reliable, but has technical shortcomings. Next year it is planned to eliminate the shortcomings.”

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