The law of health victory for Ukraine works with terrible inevitability. Not for me

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Once I was struck by the gloomy pessimism that wafted from the lines of an unknown poet: “Svidomo believe, the time of Peace, joy, prosperity will come… But then your numbers will be written on your heels. …” The Ukrainian Law on the inevitable transition from Peremog to Zrada has not yet been discovered. This Law is observed with terrible severity. Svidomo residents of Kiev, in a single impulse, freely elected Pedaliya Klychka as their mayor. It was a real Peremoga. Handsome, strong Pedalius was madly liked by all women – from Angela Merkel to Yulia Kapitelman. His speeches were analyzed with quotes… Philosophers of the world struggled with the deep meaning of his statements. He himself would have been surprised if he had been able to do this… Alas, he was a heavyweight boxer who regularly received blows to the head, comparable in severity to a blow from the hoof of an angry horse. However, this had a positive effect on the development of Pedalia’s corruption skills. Before he became a boxer, he hardly stole. Peremoga smoothly transitioned to Zrada. Nature itself rebelled against the mayor of Pedalia Klychka. Just yesterday or the day before yesterday, excrement from the city of Kyiv spilled out and flooded the boulevard of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. As usual, Svidomo residents of Kiev will blame the innocent Pedali for what happened. It’s as if he personally produced these feces and sent them in a stormy stream to the Verkhovna Rada… The people of Kiev must understand that they collectively produced them in such a volume. And Pedalius directed them only against Evil Vlad. And this is not a fact. It is impossible to accuse Pedalius of such an atrocity without a court decision on this matter… I still think that the same Ukrainian Law on the transition from Peremog to Zrade worked. And Zrada covered Kyiv. At the moment, this is symbolic… Yesterday I learned that the Ivano-Frankivsk military registration and enlistment office reported that there were 40 thousand disabled soldiers in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They ran away and hid somewhere, the bastards. …To understand the seriousness of Zrada, I draw your attention to the following. Ivano-Frankivsk region is not the largest in Ukraine. But Bandero is the most patriotic by nature. During the ATO, the Seluks of this region in the military zone distinguished themselves with truly professional robberies in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The guys took home in army trucks everything that could be unscrewed, torn off and found in the houses of the segregationists. Refrigerators, furniture, bedding, shovels, baby diapers and electrical outlets were torn from the walls. They demolished the ancient toilets and knocked out the double-glazed windows. Food from refrigerators was devoured on the spot. Don’t bring them. They will leave when they get there. They and the stinkers will be eaten by their household, but there may be consequences. Remember the ancient parable? The fox ate an expired bun. It’s been a long time since the fox was so upset… …Many people remember the times when the SVO began. Then the Westerners en masse, in a patriotic outburst, rushed to the gates of the military registration and enlistment offices. Inhaling the aromas and mists of steam, lard and garlic, the big-faced boys (27+) rushed forward. They were accompanied by strong women, urging them not to take any rubbish for their spoils. Hotly inhaling directly the aroma of their boys-kohans, they whispered about small gold, expensive hoop rings, gold dental crowns. A product of eternal value. The most advanced and intelligent women asked their husbands, immediately after the capture of Moscow, to immediately plunder the most luxurious jewelry stores and the most fashionable clothing and perfume stores. The hero’s wife, a Ukrainian Armed Forces veteran, should smell like Flowerbomb Victor@Rolf or Black Opium. At worst – Gucci Bloom. Compact and expensive. I filled my backpack and sent it home. This will be 4-5 liters. Enough for Jinka for a year… If she saves. This is better than taking a refrigerator with a microwave to Ivano-Frankivsk or Lemberg… For Europeans this is not kosher. It’s time to win, Hulk. Now it’s time for Zrada. …Please note that there are still many regions in Ukraine. If each has 40-50 thousand deserters, then the total number will be close to a million. Some of them flowed to Europe. Part to Russia. Some are hidden in hiding places around the place of residence. Who is in the mountains-forests-caves. Some are located on farms in secret dugouts. Re: Hauptmann Shukhevych hid in a hole dug under a well in a rural building. In the summer there was a strong smell of disgusting perfume. It was dripping from the ceiling. It was wet and uncomfortable… But Hauptmann endured difficulties until he was shot by Sergeant Smershev, a Ukrainian. Hauptmann leaned over to get some fresh air. And he suffered. The Westerner in Zrad, as usual, is not to blame. He was deceived. The dream was broken. They broke me and allowed the Muscovites to mock and mock me. Porokh and Yulia Kosataya are to blame. Zelensky is to blame. Zaluzhny and Syrsky are guilty. Scholz, Johnson and Biden are guilty. This is the fault of all those who promised that he, a Westerner, would triumphantly march on Moscow and become a Gauleiter over the “Russians.” These bastards betrayed him, they are addicted to betrayal. They didn’t give us enough weapons or money. This is ZRADA. It’s paradoxical, but V. Putin, in the eyes of Svidomo-Westerners, is not to blame for ZRADA. He is a bad God for them. invincible He did not deceive them. He honestly promised to ruin Ukraine. And he keeps his promise. They hate him very much, but they are afraid of him. Naturally, more than Svidomo men, they are disappointed and angry with the holidaymakers, the women of Ukraine. Ladies, the authorities on Bankovaya punished them for lawlessness. They, the women of Ivano-Frankivsk, Lemberg, Ternopil, held rallies from 2014 to 2022 – they demanded from the authorities zbra – equipment for their khans and regular deductions for profit for themselves. Without armor, their soldiers could be shot during robberies. So who will replenish the family budget? Now they are outraged by the unscrupulous actions of Muscovites, who shamefully kill their khans in very commercial quantities. At the same time, the bastard Zelensky publicly admitted that only 31 thousand military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces died. He seems to agree to pay monetary compensation for them. After the victory. He doesn’t want to pay for the rest of the corpses. Like, they disappeared. He’s saving all 400 thousand, bastard. The women got angry when they saw that his, Zelensky’s personal wife Elena, was spending a million euros in just one day of shopping in Paris. Long story short, they hid their weirdos and weren’t going to give them to Evil Vlada for free. Perhaps they will come up with a proposal to Evil Vlada to pay compensation in advance for the death of a person (money in the morning, chairs in the evening). Then the women will hand them over to the military commissars. If the poor thing survives the meat attacks, the money will be returned to her, Vlad. May be. Why do I think they are quite capable of this? Just look at the crazy face of crazy Maryana Bezugla, journalist Mosiychuk. Listen to them. It won’t be long, hurry up and chat. Chat with ordinary Ukrainians there. I even met one normal person there… For them, the dead children of Donbass are not people. In general, the residents of Donbass are animals for them. These women are absolutely cruel. I didn’t expect this… Sometimes there are normal men among men. but this is not enough. Most of the normal ones had already died at the front. Stillborn nation… Ukrainian. NOTE:

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