The horrific details of the death of Saltanat Nukenova have become known – May 2, 2024

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The high-profile case of Kuandyk Bishimbayev is almost over Source: Jogargy_sot/ The investigation into the case of Saltanat Nukenova, for whose murder her husband, former minister Kuandyk Bishimbayev is accused, has been going on for more than a month. . Last November, the accused went with her to a restaurant, where he began beating the girl. Saltanat tried to hide in the VIP booth, but the man knocked down the door and continued beating her, after which, according to investigators, the girl died. The trial is open, and each hearing brings new details. “His entire version of innocence immediately collapsed,” prosecutor Aizhan Aimaganova said in court on May 2. From the very beginning, she demonstrated a tough position towards Bishimbayev and in today’s speech she stopped the ex-minister’s case. Well, outwardly he seems to be a good person,” said Aimaganova. But in the eyes of the accused there is no heart of Aizhan Aimaganova, the prosecutor. There is no pity, no regret, no remorse in Bishimbayev’s phone. he mocks Saltanat, according to Aimaganova, he finally proves his guilt. His entire version of innocence collapsed as soon as a video recording of the moments of Saltanat’s torture was found on his mobile phone,” the prosecutor concluded, offering the password. for his mobile phone, he forgot that he took these videos and they were saved on his phone. Why? Because he did this regularly and his vigilance simply became dulled, he forgot: “I heard my mother screaming in the background that Saltanat’s brother Aitbek Amangeldy was telling in court how he found out about his sister’s death. The man remembered that Saltanat was supposed to spend the night with him on the night of November 8-9, 2023, but she never arrived. Then Aitbek thought that his sister was simply staying at the hotel so as not to disturb him. “I thought she was already sleeping, she would wake up. before lunch and will answer me. After lunch, I asked for a day off. I open the messenger to see if Salta answered me. It was around 13:47 of the “Not a Woman’s Business” project. – I went home, I had no thoughts. In the evening our mutual friend calls. She trembled and began to ask where Salta was. I replied, calm down. I started calling Salta, she didn’t answer the phone. Even then, Aitbek saw messages that Saltanat had died, but thought it was some kind of mistake. To find out, the man went to his sister’s house, but Saltanat was not there. Then Aitbek contacted the police – on the other end of the phone they expressed condolences to him and told him to go to the restaurant where the girl died – I arrived at the Gastrocenter, where Bau is located, and went there. I wanted to go up to the second floor, but they were no longer allowed there,” recalls Aitbek. – People ask me: “Who are you?” I replied that brother Saltanat, I have to pick her up. I had the idea that something had happened to her, she felt bad, she needed to go to the hospital. And then they told me that the bulletin was true, that her husband killed her. I felt bad, I tried to pull myself together for a minute. There was dissonance within me. I didn’t understand how to combine all this with reality. The worst thing for Aitbek was telling his parents about the tragedy: “I call my father, he picks up the phone and asks what happened. And I just squeezed out the words that it’s all true, that everything is so. “I heard my mother screaming in the background,” Aitbek said that day he never saw Saltanat’s body – they explained to him that forensic experts were working at the scene. no longer taken away by police officers Bishimbayev’s mother showed her “true face” While Bishimbayev is trying to do everything to prove his innocence, his mother is also trying to whitewash her son. The woman regularly comes to court hearings and claims that this was so. Saltanat who attacked Kuandyk According to Aitbek, the woman’s opinion about Saltanat changed dramatically immediately after the girl’s death: “The same mother who said how wonderful Saltanat was, gave us a full pan of shurpa, which turned sour and cooled after three years. weeks. “Literally before her death, Salta was preparing Kuandyka,” said the brother of the deceased. “His mother told us, look what you have.” In moments of stress, these people show their true colors. According to Aitbek, Kuandyk’s mother adored Saltanat and told her that she would live and not need anything. However, when the girl died, the woman immediately changed her mind and began to say bad things about Saltanat.

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