Alexander Maslyakov died – details – September 9, 2024 – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Alexander Maslyakov has been involved with KVN since 1964. Source: Archive Vestpress Kaliningrad, Alexander Podgorchuk / He was seriously ill for a long time, and had not appeared on TV for the last two years, but the news that he was ill still sounded like a bolt from the blue. Alexander Maslyakov was 83 years old. MSK1.RU managed to contact the best friend of the permanent KVN host, director, and TV host Yuli Gusman, who called Alexander Vasilyevich an outstanding TV host and the soul of the Club of the Merry and Inventive: – The whole country and everyone. Russian-speaking people on earth loved him. He left undefeated, because no one coped with this task better than him. He is a talented, bright, and wonderful artist. According to Guzman, Maslyakov is known for his performances on screen, but he was also a “wonderful and wonderful husband.” – It’s a bit trite to say this, because he and his talent can’t be brought back. But there are thousands of recordings of his projects. And I think he will remain an absolute star both on screen and in the firmament of our national culture. Information about life in the capital can be found on the MSK1.RU Telegram channel and in our VKontakte group.

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