The concessionaire of the Voronezh park “Dolphin” lost the case to the cyclist

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The concessionaire of the Voronezh Dolphinarium, Eduard Tolokonnikov, was unable to challenge the decision of the Sovetsky District Court to recover material damages from him and compensation for moral damages in favor of cyclist Evgeny Chernikov, who was injured in the park. In the summer of 2023, Evgeny Chernikov was riding a bicycle along the bike path in Dolphinpark. While going down the hill, he hit an artificial bump, flew over the handlebars of his bicycle and fell onto the asphalt. The man suffered a fracture of the head of the radial bone of his arm and many abrasions and was forced to go to the hospital. The Voronezh Regional Court considered the appeal of Eduard Tolokonnikov and left the decision of the Soviet court unchanged. The press service of the regional court reported this on Tuesday, June 4. The court found that the land plot on which the Dolphinarium is located was leased by the city administration to Eduard Tolokonnikov for reconstruction, subsequent maintenance and operation. Therefore, it was decided to recover damages from the individual entrepreneur. The representative of Eduard Tolokonnikov in court disputed the stated statement and denied the fact that Evgeny Chernikov fell in the indicated place. In addition, it was determined that the cyclist violated traffic rules, since the artificial slide was a drainage system located across the bike path at an angle. However, the court did not take into account the testimony of the accused. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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