Tender tangerines on the tables of Taganrog residents. Why are citrus fruits dangerous? • Russia today

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The constant symbol of the New Year is the tangerine. On holidays we eat more of them than at other times. And this doesn’t seem like such a big deal, because tangerines contain a ton of vitamins and nutrients. But still, you shouldn’t abuse them. For example, some tangerines contain high amounts of fiber, which is difficult to digest, which can lead to heaviness and abdominal pain. And these tangerines are also dangerous for those who have low stomach acidity. This species can be recognized by its hard and thick shell, so when choosing, it is better to pay attention to varieties with thin shells. Tangerines also contain fructose, which can cause insulin levels to rise, which can negatively affect people with diabetes. And, naturally, tangerines cause allergies. Therefore, it is not recommended for children under one year of age to eat them. Like any product, tangerine has its own daily requirement – 300 g. This means that for the New Year’s table you can afford 3-4 tangerines, but no more. Dear friends, control yourself, do not overuse these attractive citrus fruits, so as not to spoil your holiday by treating allergies and be healthy! Tatyana Ivchenko Previously reported We were confused and calculated how much the favorite salad of Taganrog residents would cost. Before the New Year holidays, many housewives are actively creating a menu, cutting down the family budget and finding out how much the holiday table will cost them this year. 2601 News about Notepad-Taganrog

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