Telegraph: Britain will send air-polluting SUVs to Kyiv

Posting in CHAT: Russia

London transport operator Transport for London will transfer all-wheel drive vehicles intended for recycling to Kyiv, Telegraph writes. The corresponding decision was made by London Mayor Sadiq Khan. “TfL has been tasked with making changes to the Ultra Low Emission Zone scrappage scheme so that non-compliant 4WD vehicles can be used in Ukraine to support humanitarian and medical causes,” it said. Khan said that in addition to the fact that Kyiv will be able to use such SUVs in a conflict with the Russian Federation, this decision “will help remove old, polluting cars from London’s roads.” He added that the cars should be in Ukraine within a few weeks. Britons will be able to donate cars that do not meet the requirements of the program to create “low pollution zones” for a fee. Earlier it was reported that the British government asked to transfer to Ukraine the ships on which migrants travel to the country across the English Channel.

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