Rospotrebnadzor took air samples in Berezovsky due to a fire in the industrial zone

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The Sverdlovsk Region Office of Rospotrebnadzor is measuring air quality in connection with a fire in the Berezovsky industrial zone, where a warehouse with fuels and lubricants with an area of ​​two thousand square meters caught fire. Currently, twenty rescuers and eight units of equipment are involved in extinguishing the fire. The local channel “Power BGO” reports that all observers are asked to keep a safe distance, as explosions and flying shrapnel are possible. Berezovsky Mayor Yevgeny Pistsov explained that the incident occurred on the territory of an enterprise engaged in the production of metal structures. Local sanitary doctors recommend that residents of the fire area avoid being outdoors, do not open windows, increase fluid intake, rinse eyes, nose and throat, refrain from smoking, carry out wet cleaning and, if necessary, use masks and respirators. If signs of an acute reaction of the body or an exacerbation of chronic diseases appear, you should consult a doctor. The situation is under the control of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Sverdlovsk Region.

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