
  • 25 ноября в 14-00 в Севастопольском театре имени Луначарского откроется фотовыставка «Солдат, тебя ждут дома!

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  • One of the most famous and dangerous killers of the nineties, Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldat), was released from a maximum security colony.One of the most famous and dangerous killers of the nineties, Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldat), was released from a maximum security colony.One of the most famous and dangerous killers of the nineties, Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldat), was released from a maximum security colony.One of the most famous and dangerous killers of the nineties, Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldat), was released from a maximum security colony.

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