One of the most famous and dangerous killers of the nineties, Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldat), was released from a maximum security colony.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Pustovalov was sentenced 3 times. At first they proved 18 murders, including reprisals against law enforcement officers. In 2016, the Soldier was accused of 4 more episodes. As a result, Pustovalov went to prison for 24 years. During his imprisonment, Pustovalov worked as a collector of ritual paraphernalia and as a vegetable pickler.

For the next three years, Sasha Soldier is required to report to the local police officer twice a month, not leave the house at night, and refuse to travel outside the region.

In total, Pustovalov was suspected of 30 murders, including police officers.

One of the most famous and dangerous killers of the nineties, Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldat), was released from a maximum security colony.

One of the most famous and dangerous killers of the nineties, Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldat), was released from a maximum security colony.

One of the most famous and dangerous killers of the nineties, Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldat), was released from a maximum security colony.

One of the most famous and dangerous killers of the nineties, Alexander Pustovalov (Sasha Soldat), was released from a maximum security colony.

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