Starting tomorrow: Sberbank surprised Russian pensioners receiving pensions on the Mir card

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Sberbank announced the introduction of a new free service for all old Russian pensioners who receive old-age insurance payments on their bank cards, reports the Progorod information portal59. It is noted that recently elderly citizens of Russia switched to receiving pensions via bank cards, and some still prefer to receive money at post offices. However, it should be noted that receiving a pension on a card is much more convenient. Currently, citizens can receive old-age insurance payments in the Russian Federation in two ways: either receive money on bank cards, or pick them up at post offices. However, it should be noted that receiving money on a card is much more convenient. , because there is no need to visit branches, stand in queues and waste time. However, despite this, in Russia, unfortunately, various types of fraud still occur related to bank cards, money and innocent pensioners. So older citizens feel more protected. Using bank cards instead of cash, and also knowing how to protect itself from fraudsters, Sberbank gave special educational lectures. During these classes, pensioners will be explained the benefits of using bank cards, ways to protect their funds from criminals, the process of withdrawing money from bank cards, and much more. Training seminars have already begun to be held in some regions of our country. countries in Sberbank branches, and from today these lessons can be attended in any region of the country.

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