Siluanov announced the stabilization of the ruble exchange rate • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Recent measures taken by the Russian authorities have helped stabilize the ruble. It will remain close to the current level further, believes Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. “What was adopted to tighten control (over the return of foreign currency earnings from exporters) played a role, and we see that the exchange rate has now stabilized. We believe that it will continue to be somewhere within these limits,” Siluanov said on Saturday at a lecture as part of the educational marathon of the “Science” society. One of the tasks of the authorities is to make fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate predictable for the population and business, the head continued Ministry of Finance. Because the exchange rate affects business. , prices and, ultimately, wages. And although it is generally impossible not to pay attention to the dollar exchange rate, we must strive to “pay less attention to it.” Perhaps in the foreseeable future this will be easier to do, because old economies are gradually becoming obsolete and new ones are taking their place . “The East is actively developing, and the old economies that previously dominated both economically and politically are gradually deflating. This situation has happened more than once in world history, and these Changes always occur painfully,” TASS quotes Siluanov.

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