Home Russianews Sergey Kuznetsov took the oath of allegiance to the people, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Charter of Novokuznetsk (PHOTO, VIDEO) 11 месяцев назад 11 месяцев назад Russianews Sergey Kuznetsov took the oath of allegiance to the people, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Charter of Novokuznetsk (PHOTO, VIDEO) от bonabo 11 месяцев назад11 месяцев назад 168луков He took office as head of Novokuznetsk. Source link allegiance, Charter, Constitution, Federation, Kuznetsov, Novokuznetsk, oath, people, photo, Russian, Sergey, видеоКинуть ссылку- расшарить 156 Share via 156 голосов 0 комментариев Отменить ответВаш адрес email не будет опубликован. Обязательные поля помечены * Сколько будет 2 плюс 7? (Required) Leave the field below empty! Security: Confirm:
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