Scientists find microplastics in human brain; Putin arrives on official visit to Mongolia; Russian athlete wins Paralympic long jump – Russia today

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Scientists have found microplastics in the human brain According to scientists, traces of microplastics have been found in the human brain: currently, the human brain consists of 0.5 percent of it, but this figure will increase in the future, Izvestia writes. This is reported by The Hill. “The study showed that the concentration of small plastic in the brain is higher than in the liver or kidneys, and the amount of plastic in all organs increases significantly over time,” the publication reports. Thus, in 2024, during an autopsy, plastic particles were found in the brain of people aged 45 to 50 years at a concentration of 4.8 thousand micrograms per gram, which is about 0.5 percent of the tissue mass. This is 50 percent more than was found in brain samples in 2016. As the researchers note, the amount of microplastics penetrating the human body is affected by their diet and place of residence. At the same time, they note that no person in the world can hide from the penetration of microplastics, since the level of pollution is constantly growing. Earlier, on July 31, the Russian Ministry of Health stated that no reliable evidence of cancer development from micro- and nanoplastics was found, so there is no connection. At the same time, the Ministry of Health recalled that determining the cause-and-effect relationships between a person’s health and the impact of environmental factors on him is an important task of social and hygienic monitoring in Russia, which is regularly carried out in Russia. . in accordance with the government decree. Putin arrived on an official visit to Mongolia Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived on an official visit to Mongolia, where he will take part in events dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the joint victory of the Soviet and Mongolian armed forces on the Khalkhin Gol River, Izvestia writes. . The Kremlin press service reported this on September 2. At the airport, the head of state, lined up, was met by an honor guard in traditional Mongolian uniform. The program of the visit includes talks between the Russian leader and his Mongolian counterpart Ukhnagiin Khurelsukh, which will be held in a limited and expanded format. The leaders will also exchange opinions on current international and regional issues. In addition, they will discuss “prospects for further development of Russian-Mongolian relations of comprehensive strategic partnership.” Before this, on September 1, Putin said that the development of relations between the Russian Federation and Mongolia is a priority of Russia’s foreign policy in the Eurasian direction. He also recalled that during the Great Patriotic War, the allied forces of Mongolian and Soviet fighters repelled the Japanese attack on the Khalkhin Gol River, with more than ten thousand soldiers and commanders of the Red Army dying in the battle. Earlier, on July 3, the Russian leader, at a meeting with his Mongolian counterpart Khurelsukh at the SCO summit, noted that relations between Russia and Mongolia are based on a positive foundation of interaction and friendship. Russian athlete wins Paralympic Games in long jump Russian athlete Evgeny Torsunov has won the Paralympic Games in long jump, TASS reports. The Russian showed a result of 5.83 meters. Second place went to Brazilian Asser Almeida Ramos (5.76 meters). Third place went to Ukrainian Alexander Litvinenko, who also showed a result of 5.76 meters, but lost on additional indicators.

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