Ryazan authorities demand that entrepreneurs return tourism subsidies through the court – News – of the city of Ryazan on the city website RZN.info

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The Ryazan authorities are demanding that entrepreneurs return tourism subsidies through the court. The largest amounts of claims have been filed against OOO Stol.Kom – a total of 5.3 million rubles, and OOO Ekoproekt and OOO Bravos – three million each. In addition, charges will be filed against three individual entrepreneurs. The Ryazan Committee for Investments and Tourism is demanding through the court that grants issued for tourism development to seven organizations and entrepreneurs be returned. The relevant information appeared in the materials of the Arbitration Court. The subsidies are necessary because they have not been implemented. The largest amounts of claims have been filed against OOO Stol.Kom – a total of 5.3 million rubles. OOO Ekoproekt and Bravos for three million. In addition, charges will be filed against three individual entrepreneurs. The total amount of claims is 20 million 186 thousand 979 rubles.

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