“Russia has a huge advantage.” The weak point of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been identified in America – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

March 05, 2024, 03:40 Forbes: The Ukrainian Armed Forces will not surpass the Russian Armed Forces in the number of winged bombs dropped RIA Novosti Read 360TV in Ukraine will never be able to surpass Russia in the number of winged bombs dropped, even with the help of the West. Here’s what Forbes columnist David Ax said: “The Ukrainians aren’t even dropping enough glide bombs,” he said. The journalist noted that supplies of Western equipment cannot change the situation on the battlefield for the Ukrainian military. Russian troops are capable of spending more ammunition than the Ukrainian Armed Forces. “Russia has a huge advantage both in the air and on the ground,” Ax explained. Earlier, former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Douglas McGregor, said that the Russian army is confidently moving through the Ukrainian conflict zone. The military encounters only weak resistance from Ukrainian forces. Ukrainian armed forces abandoned most of their positions on the battlefield. Also, according to McGregor, Ukraine has lost itself as a nation, because a huge part of its citizens left their homeland, many died. Authors: Emilia Malinina Russian special operation in Ukraine

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