rewrite this title Registration is now open for the free online course on sustainable marketing. in Russian

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E+ Change and the Skolkovo School of Management have developed a course on sustainable marketing. The development involved large NGOs, businesses, communications and creative agencies working on value-based marketing campaigns. “Marketing campaigns around social and environmental issues important to society have become the new norm. The transition to the social agenda has been completed, and today understanding of the importance of all ESG attributes is returning,” says Sofya Popova, head of the E+ program. Changes. — Sustainable projects and their communication have complex dynamics. To help understand these subtleties and take responsible marketing in Russia to a new level, we have created a course.” The course is free and open to registered users of the Skolkovo online campus platform. This will enable marketers and teams working alongside brands and creative/PR/SMM agencies to create impactful and authentic projects around the sustainability agenda. To participate you must register. “The goal of our course is to help marketers understand the sustainable development and responsible marketing agenda, assess and increase the impact of their communication projects on business, society and the environment, and make it more systematic and long-term,” says Elena. Dubovitskaya, director of the Skolkovo Center for Sustainable Development. Photo courtesy of the organizers According to a joint study by Ipsos and E+ Awards, using social causes during a crisis increases the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This is due to the fact that in 2022, consumers have lost trust in brands – one in four Russians have experienced cancel culture, which has created serious demand for responsible businesses and responsible actions on their part. In 2023, the Russian public’s demand for business solutions to social and environmental problems continues, and Russian brands are just beginning to enter this area en masse.

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