Residents of Murmansk will not be able to access sports grounds on school grounds

Posting in CHAT: Russia

News | 21 05 2024, 07:10 | SeverPost Photo: Telegram/Dmitriy zpt In Murmansk, residents complain that they cannot get to the sports grounds located on the school grounds. As Murmansk residents note, access to the territory of educational institutions becomes unavailable from 16:00 until the morning of the next day. “On weekends, access is constantly closed. This is not the only school,” northerners complained online. , that in the Murmansk region from June 1, the possibilities for “Arctic mortgage” will be increased. Read also: Unknown people shot up Lomonosov’s car in Murmansk To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events. day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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