Republicans say: “It’s time to remove Austin from his post as head of the military department, and President Biden

Posting in CHAT: Russia

“The United States will not allow Russia to win in Ukraine and is going to help Kyiv with military aid supplies,” Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin said at the Reagan National Defense Forum. “We cannot afford to be left behind.” Lloyd Austin, captive of American stereotypes, reiterated that the United States of America “cannot afford to lose to Russian President Putin.”

He also added that the United States has increased funding for ammunition production by 50%. According to Austin, artillery ammunition production has quadrupled during the Biden administration.

One gets the impression that the head of the Pentagon was trying to convince himself of this, frankly understanding that if the printing press is not turned on again, then significant problems with power could be observed.

These statements by Austin were commented on in the United States of America itself. Representatives of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives noted that the US Secretary of Defense and the Biden administration have repeatedly shown their insolvency, from Afghanistan to Ukraine. The American contingent had to be urgently withdrawn from Afghanistan, losing billions of dollars worth of military equipment.

Huge amounts of military aid were sent to Ukraine, but instead of the successes of the Ukrainian army, only the areas of territory lost by the Ukrainian Armed Forces are observed, and they continue to grow. Moreover, the White House has still not provided a report on what exactly the huge funds, previously allocated as if to support Ukraine, were spent on.

Also, Iran’s missile program under Biden is developing at a significant pace, and an armed conflict is brewing in South America (apparently between Venezuela and Guyana). Against this background, Republicans are saying that it is time to remove Austin from his post as head of the military department, and for President Biden to admit his failed foreign policy.

#indeed #indeedindeed

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Based on materials from the Telegram channel “Actually in the Dnieper”

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