Regional folk art festival “Victory Salute”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The regional folk art festival “Victory Salute”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 (hereinafter referred to as the regional festival), is held in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus. Russian Federation dated November 9, 2022 No. 809 “On approval of the Fundamentals of State Policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values” and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 2022 No. 457 “On the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad.” Regulations Founders and organizers Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region. State Autonomous Institution of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region “Sverdlovsk State Regional Palace of Folk Art” (hereinafter referred to as SGODNT). Local government bodies and municipal institutions exercising powers in the field of culture, located on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region (hereinafter referred to as municipal cultural authorities). City cultural and leisure institutions. Goals and objectives. Festival “Protection of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values”; preserving historical memory, countering attempts to falsify history, preserving the historical experience of the formation of traditional values ​​and their influence on Russian history; strengthening civil unity; heroic propaganda. history and military glory of the Motherland through artistic means, instilling respect for the memory of its defenders and patriotism among citizens; improving the performing skills of amateur groups, creating a very artistic repertoire of heroic-patriotic and civil themes, active participation in folk art. groups at events dedicated to significant dates in the military history of Russia and the Great Patriotic War. Procedure and conditions for holding the festival The regional festival runs from April 2023 to May 2025 in three stages in two directions: “Theatrical performance (thematic concert)” and “Virtual exhibitions of works by amateur artists.” The preliminary stage – from April 2023 to December 2023 – will be held in municipalities located in the Sverdlovsk region (hereinafter referred to as municipalities), in the form of reporting concerts. , shows and competitions of amateur artistic groups of all genres and types of folk art on the theme of the Festival, as well as festivals and holidays dedicated to historical and memorable dates in the military history of Russia and the Great Patriotic War (Appendix 1). The best concert performances of participants in the preliminary stage of the Regional Festival have the opportunity to participate in the All-Russian folk art festival “Victory Salute”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. To do this, you must send video recordings of the best concert performances to SGODNT by December 2023. Concert numbers must correspond to the theme of the Regional Festival and be no more than 5 minutes. The application for participation in the Regional Festival is attached to the video recordings of concert performances (registration form is attached, Appendix 3) Submitted video recordings are considered by the jury of the Regional Festival in the following categories: musical art, choreographic art, theatrical art, circus art, folk song art and folklore. The decision of the jury is documented in a protocol. The qualifying stage (selection based on video recording) will take place from January 2024 to January 2025. For the main stage of the Regional Festival – each municipality – until January 31, 2025 inclusive. , can send video recordings of theatrical performances (thematic concerts) and (or) concert numbers to SGODNT: A theatrical performance (thematic concert) can be in the form of an artistic and patriotic multi-genre program prepared by amateur creative groups of all. genres and types of folk art of the municipality lasting no more than 30 minutes. Competition programs must present with maximum completeness and in all genre diversity the history of the region associated with the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, and modern folk art based on the national cultural traditions of the peoples living in the region. Participation in the region is accompanied by a video recording of the Regional Festival (application attached, Appendix 2) and a script plan for performances indicating the performers, titles and authors of the presented literary, musical, vocal works, choreographic productions, directors, set designers, and artists. the submitted videos are reviewed by the jury of the Regional Festival, which includes specialists from SGODNT, as well as specialists in the field of theatrical art. The jury evaluates each theatrical program with a patriotic theme as a whole, and also reserves the right to rate individual artistic performances of groups and soloists included in the program. The decision of the jury is documented in a protocol. The winning programs receive the titles of Grand Prix, prize-winners and diploma holders of I, II, III degrees of the Regional Festival. Concert numbers submitted for participation in the competition must correspond to the theme of the Regional Festival and be no more than 5 minutes long. A registration form for participation in the Regional Festival is attached to the video recording of concert performances (registration form is attached, see Appendix 3). Submitted videos are reviewed by the jury of the Regional Festival in the following categories: musical art, choreographic art, theatrical art, circus art, folk song art and folklore. The decision of the jury is documented in a protocol. The winners in each nomination receive the titles of laureates and diploma holders of the I, II, III degrees of the Regional Festival and are invited to Yekaterinburg to participate in the final events of the Regional Festival. Festival.SGODNT accepts applications for participation in the main stage of the Regional Festival only from city cultural departments. The final stage – April-May 2025 – will be organized in the form of a gala concert with the participation of the winners of the qualifying stage of the Regional Folk Art Festival “Victory Salute” at the State Autonomous Institution SO “SGODNT”. The number of participants in the gala concert is determined by the organizing committee of the Festival. As part of the Regional Festival, a regional exhibition of works by amateur artists is also held. Regulations on the regional exhibition of works by amateur artists are attached (Appendix 4) Phone numbers for inquiries: (343) 360-55-43 – Tsygankova Larisa Viktorovna, head of the folk art department of the State Autonomous Institution SO “SGODNT” (343) 360 -55-37 – Khmilnin Konstantin Anatolyevich , specialist in creative genres of the folk art department of the State Autonomous Institution SO “SGODNT”, exhibition coordinator, e-mail:

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