RAEX presented a ranking of public councils under the federal executive body

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The RAEX rating agency and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation presented the results of a study of the work of public councils under the federal executive authorities (FEB). Based on this data, ratings and under-ratings were compiled, showing how effective a particular advice was. For the analysis, open sources of information were used: regulatory documents, official pages of public councils on the Internet, SCAN-Interfax data, as well as data from an expert survey of members of the RF OP and public councils. All evaluation criteria were combined into 8 evaluation factors: impact on the activities of departments; implementation of the function of public control; information openness; publicity; interaction with stakeholders; organizational aspects of the activities of councils under federal executive authorities; interaction with the RF OP; data from a special expert survey. Separate sub-estimates were compiled for each area. In the main assessment, all public councils are divided into five groups: group A – leaders; Group I – advanced; Group C – average level; Group D – basic level; Group E – entry level (maximum development potential). The “leaders” were councils under ten federal executive authorities: the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Labor, Rosreestr, Roszdravnadzor, Rosobrnadzor, Rostransnadzor, Rosleskhoz. You can view the full rating and sub-ratings here. Earlier, RAEX and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation presented the results of the second assessment of regional public chambers.

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