Psychologist Suslov listed ways to prevent teenage drug addiction

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Most often, the reasons why teenagers start using drugs are problems in the family. Psychologist Ilya Suslov told Vechernaya Moskva about this on Thursday, May 23. According to him, to prevent drug addiction among teenagers, parents must first take care of themselves. Adults should try to analyze their own relationship with the child and build trust in each other. Parents are also advised to give up their bad habits themselves, because children often follow the example of their father and mother – You must understand that the problem of a teenager is drug addiction, mainly on the part of adults. Therefore, parents must take responsibility and understand that they, willy-nilly, could provoke such a situation,” the expert explained. Another reason for drug use may be a teenager’s desire to experience new feelings and emotions. In this case, it is necessary to try to convey to the child the negative consequences of drug use, including the emergence of drug addiction. If conversations and beliefs do not work, you should move on to more stringent measures – namely, mandatory placement in a psychiatric clinic or rehabilitation center. And remind about criminal liability,” summed up Suslov. On Sunday, May 19, the body of a 13-year-old Muscovite was found in a swamp on the territory of Izmailovsky Park. They searched for the girl for more than a day. Before this, near a house in the Vostochnoye Izmailovo district, witnesses found her friend in an unconscious state. Doctors diagnosed both schoolchildren with hallucinogenic poisoning. What happened and who is to blame for the girl’s death – in the material of “Evening Moscow”.

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