Projects of the Knowledge Society became part of the summer health promotion – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The time for summer recreation and health improvement for children and adolescents is in full swing. Every year, the Russian Society “Knowledge” actively participates in organizing an educational program as part of a summer health promotion event. Six projects have been prepared for camp students in 89 regions of Russia. To participate in any of them, a healthcare organization just needs to submit an application on the website. “Each children’s camp has prepared unique summer programs for its students that will make their time truly useful. To make these programs even more interesting, the Russian Society “Knowledge” has simultaneously combined six of its projects of different formats – these. There are lectures, master classes, intellectual games, film screenings, and scientific experiments. Employees of healthcare organizations will be able to do them independently or with the participation of our teachers,” said Maxim Dreval, General Director of the Russian Society “Znanie”. Earlier, the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergei Kravtsov publicly stated that – At a Russian seminar meeting within the framework of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Organization of Recreation and Health Improvement for Children, it was noted that more than 5.3 million children will be covered by a summer health promotion in Russia in 2024, in children’s camps in accordance with the law. The unified Educational Program will definitely hold events within the framework of the Days of Unified Action. This year, the Science Society is organizing leisure activities for young Russians throughout the country. Each children’s health camp can choose one or more activities for joint implementation: “Science.Career”. Science.Science, Science.Cinema, Science.Lectures, lectures and film screenings for memorable dates and holidays. A set of regional projects of the Society of Science is also available to everyone. participants of the Northern Military District, quizzes, scientific battles, dialogues with representatives of working professions. To participate in summer health organizations, you must leave an application on the “Vacations with Knowledge” website ( or contact the director of the branch of the “Knowledge” Society in your region. Review of the application may take up to five days. The Russian Society “Knowledge” has prepared an active program for schoolchildren at the “Russia” exhibition. Children will be treated to visits to the VDNKh territory, fascinating lectures from six Moscow universities on various topics, as well as master classes. In addition, schoolchildren will enjoy a cultural program – children will attend events in the literary hall of the Knowledge Society. There they will enjoy artistic readings of classical works, acoustic concerts and performances. It should be noted that last summer, about 8.5 thousand educational events of the Russian Society “Knowledge” took place in children’s camps across the country. Meetings with athletes, artists, entrepreneurs and many other figures over the three summer months were held in more than 80 regions in children’s centers. About 180 thousand people became listeners and participants in lectures, master classes and other events. This summer, various educational events will be held for schoolchildren in the Samara region. Thus, as part of the “Knowledge.Heroes” project, a performance was held by the Samaritan poet and composer, author of the literary and musical project “Let’s go to Donbass!” Mikhail Chudakov! center A military-patriotic forum was held at the Southern City Center. The lecturers were teachers who regularly travel to new regions of our country. They were able to emotionally and soulfully convey to the Samaritan schoolchildren the pain of their comrades who came under fire, and told the children about the heroes of the Northern Military District fighting the enemy not only at the front, but also in battles. rear For children from Donbass living in Kinel-Cherkassy, ​​schoolchildren of the country camp named after. Yu. A. Gagarin conducted master classes on basic military training, during which the guys disassembled and assembled weapons, tried on combat ammunition, and practiced making trench candles. The “Knowledge.Career” project started in June. During master classes, interviews and meetings with employers, young people get acquainted with career opportunities in their home region. The Samara Polytechnic University hosted a career forum “The Road to Success” for students and schoolchildren, at which Ph.D. Sciences, Associate Professor Natalya Vladimirovna Krutova, Ph.D. Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Solodova, as well as coordinator of the educational program “Captains”, winner of the “League of Lecturers” competition Ekaterina Snigir Within the framework of the “Knowledge.Science” project with popular science lectures about Russian scientists and. their achievements in the children’s camp named after. Yu. A. Gagarin acted as a deputy. Director of school No. 121 Vladislav Deryabin. In the summer, the regional educational campaign “For our native, for our own” also moved to children’s health and school camps. For children of school No. 121 in the village of Novoye Adelyakovo as part of the project “Samara Region. Chronicles of Victory” premiered documentaries in some country camps. The guys got acquainted with unique materials taken by Kuibyshev photojournalists during the Great Patriotic War. Specialists from the Samara newsreel studio gave the films a second life, and now there is an opportunity to once again touch the original source and learn about the feat of the Soviet people during the war. In the summer, schoolchildren not only relax, but also learn a lot of new things. Summer is a busy time for Knowledge Society speakers; there are still many educational events ahead!

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