Soloviev-Robbers. Alexander Rogers | Russian – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

“Marginal” in the original sense of the word is a person “beyond the boundaries”, outside the system. It’s good to be a marginal, you don’t depend on anyone. You can tell the truth (because the Second Temple will still be built (or whatever it’s called) before I’m invited to “Evening Nightingales”). I have an opinion, and I express it. Yesterday there was an argument (if you can call it that) about Solovyov’s statements. Basically, the “argumentation” of the opposing side boiled down to “Where are you, and where are you?” (First, figure it out, yeah, I’m still used to arguing not with pressure from authorities, but with arguments, so such primitive ass-kissing doesn’t impress me). An argument at the level of “I’m the boss, you’re a fool” has never worked on me (and I’ve worked with governors, deputies and ministers – and I always spoke “respectfully, but not intelligently” and argued the same way). conditions). And every time there are complaints about what this or that character says, I present my arguments calmly, consistently and systematically. I already wrote yesterday about the unacceptability of destroying Russian cities, so I will not repeat myself. They will definitely be Russian again, maybe not now, but they will be (and if they are destroyed, they will no longer exist). Therefore, let’s discuss the rest of Mr. Solovyov’s activities. He runs three main projects (we will not talk about any episodic activities): “Solovyov’s Evening”, radio programs and “Solovyov Live”. I almost never listen to radio programs, where Solovyov usually voices current news and speeches in an expensive manner, raising his throat and squeezing his emotions (and anyone who reads me knows that I can’t stand this). “Solovyov Live” was very interesting from the very beginning. It was obvious that the concept was thought out, they fully prepared for each broadcast (although Solovyov constantly shouted on the air at the editors, who looked unprofessional), this was noticeable. And it inspired respect. And then it slipped onto a fucking conveyor belt with a bunch of incomprehensible people working as performers, of whom perhaps only Dmitry Kulikov can be singled out (I respect him). When the telethon started there, everything was trash, madness and Sodom. I’m not even mentioning that some mentally unstable Dolgareva spoke live on air about the need to kill a certain Rogers (which, mind you, is a criminal offense in itself). And the artists did not stop her in any way. It’s enough to look at Sir Obserych Karnaukhov with his usual disgraces and hysterics. “Former agent” who doesn’t know the difference between the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. Who recently said that a soldier’s life is not important and there’s no need to cling to it. Or “Rydar” Svinchuk, who was not removed from the air even after he accidentally exposed his contacts with the Ukrainian CIPSO. Or a whole series of strange, murky and creepy characters who often said (and probably still do, I just don’t watch anymore) frankly provocative nonsense. In general, as Colonel Trukhan says, “shit and honey, nest and bees.” Well, and, actually, “Soloviev’s Evening.” The main complaint is simple: the same old, same old. Not changing for years – neither in the composition nor in the topics – Zhirinovsky died, Satanovsky and Kovtun were excluded. The rest does not change. And the level of competence, to be honest, leaves much to be desired. Dr. Sosnovsky is probably a good man, but what is his competence? Just a retelling of the German press? I can do it myself. The professor looks into a hole – in fact, this is the bottom. No, he may be a good man, but this is not a profession. But as an American, he is no good. The same Malek Dudakov is head and shoulders above the Eternally screaming lover of pro-American Kurdish prostitutes Bagdasarov The great director Shakhnazarov, so to speak, an expert on all possible topics. He was in Soviet times, so to speak, And, of course, Margarita “And?” Simonyan, whose position is supposedly “And?” not to ask, but to answer. Solovyov is trying to combine three projects at once. And, obviously, he can’t do it (despite all his, of course, high productivity). He’s been swimming, and he’s been doing it for a long time. His main project on Channel One, the worst thing for a journalist, has become UNINFORMATIVE. There is simply NO useful information. I stopped listening to him precisely because there is no brainstorming, no news (not to mention the fact that this terrible and stupid smug chick from the Russian State University for the Humanities pops up every now and then, who makes me sick), or content. Turn on “Evening Nightingales” two years ago, a year ago and today – and you will not notice the difference. The same Seiful-Mulyukov, Tsvetov – a man with a brain, Zorin with his science and, of course, Borovik! Girls, this is boring. P.S. I watched four interviews with Oleg Yanovsky, which were given by different people – all four were interesting. You can argue with each, but each is conceptual and significant. Each makes you think. And there are many of them, but you will not see them in Solovyov. Alexander RogersLiveJournal: alexandr-rogers Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the most important materials that we publish:

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