Professional seeds from the Khozyaystvo newspaper are a guarantee of quality and effectiveness.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Friends, we are returning to the production of professional seeds! Our brand, the Khozyaystvo newspaper, had a professional seed store 15 years ago, where our readers bought exactly what they ordered and received excellent harvests. But about six years ago, we limited production due to a misunderstanding with Russian Post: delivery was unreasonably expensive, and sending cash on delivery was a big risk. Today the problem has been solved with the advent of the ability to trade seeds through your own website and the emergence of the Wildberry and Ozone markets. And Russian Post today has begun to work much more correctly. And at the request of our readers, we have restored the sale of professional seeds. Today, when you buy seeds under the Khozyaystvo magazine brand, you are guaranteed to get exactly what is stated. This is a guarantee of quality and a guarantee of your harvest! Follow the links to Wildberry and Ozone and order our seeds! Many wonderful competitions await our clients. Happy harvest everyone! Oleg Pakholkov You can order seeds from the newspaper “Economy” from the World Bank by following the link. You can order seeds from the Khozyaystvo newspaper on Ozono by following the link Khozyaystvo LLC, Volgodonsk, st. Pionerskaya 84/11, TIN 6143078207 OGRN 1126174000963 Advertising. LLC “Economy”, TIN 6143078207 2173 News about Notepad-Taganrog

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