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Публикация в ЧАТе: Россия

News | 11/20/2023, 22:28 | SeverPost Photo: SeverPost / Alexander Loginov The Russian Ministry of Health proposes to examine citizens aged 25 and older for antibodies to hepatitis C once every 10 years. The examination is planned to begin in 2024 at the expense of the mandatory health insurance funds. The Ministry of Health is confident that early detection of the disease, which often occurs asymptomatically, will help prevent serious harm to health. The examination of antibodies to hepatitis C is included in the draft program of state guarantees for free medical treatment for citizens for 2024 and the planned period of 2025 and 2026. This is stated on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts. It is worth reminding that Murmansk Arctic University student Angelina Tokareva became a finalist of the all-Russian competition “Student of the Year. Doctors.” Also read: The maximum amount of the “Arctic Mortgage” loan will be increased to 9 million. To be the first to learn about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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