Participants in the interregional boxing tournament in Inta showed dynamic and spectacular fights

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Dynamic and spectacular fights were shown by participants in the interregional boxing tournament in Inta. Dynamic and spectacular fights were shown by participants in the interregional boxing tournament in Inta. The 13th interregional boxing tournament “Inta – Golden Heart of Komi” was held in Inta. The geography of participants expands every year. This year, more than 130 athletes from different cities and regions of the Komi Republic, the Arkhangelsk region and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug took part in the tournament. Teams of boxers from Syktyvkar, Salekhard, Kotlas, Velsk, Pechora, Vorkuta, Ukhta, Ezhva, the village of Vychegodsky, the villages of Vylgort and Muzhi came to compete for prizes. On November 24, the opening parade of the competition took place. All participants in the Interregional boxing tournament “Inta – Golden Heart of Komi” were welcomed by the head of the district, the head of the administration, Vladimir Kiselyov. At the opening ceremony, the mayor of Inta presented boxing coach Taras Tsvirchak with a diploma for the excellent performance of his students at the Polar Games in Vorkuta. Every year the guys participate in the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the North and always return home with medals. The chief judge of the competition, Igor Cent, also received gratitude from the city administration. The interregional tournament is one of the most prestigious in Komi. He had already become a kind of calling card of Inta, and boxers were looking forward to him with great impatience in order to reveal the strongest in the ring. “This year we held the 13th interregional boxing tournament “Inta – the Golden Heart of Komi.” Every year there are more and more participants. People come to Inta not only from the Komi Republic, but also from neighboring regions. We are interested in the development of sports in our municipality; boxing is one of the popular sports. We have a wonderful coach, his students have many achievements. We support this sport and invite everyone to join us,” said Inta Mayor Vladimir Kiselev. Both beginners and titled boxers, multiple winners and prize-winners of competitions fought in the ring. All teams showed skill and character. During the fights, the guys supported each other along with their coaches. On the first day of the competition, preliminary fights took place, in which 29 pairs of boxers took part, including 17 Intin. All boxers tried to demonstrate champion character and technical grace, beautiful combinations with counterattacks and knockouts. The emotion and intensity of the battles received warm support from the fans. Traditionally, the largest team was represented by the team from the Inta sports school “Youth”. All the guys train under the guidance of an experienced mentor Taras Tsvirchak. “This tournament is very significant for us. It’s not for nothing that we once invented it so that boxing would become more and more popular. After such competitions, the guys become inspired and motivated, they train harder, and they become enthusiastic. A great tournament for our city,” said Taras Tsvirchak. For three days there were persistent and intense battles in the ring, “serious passions” were in full swing, because all participants had a decisive attitude and kept the fans in constant suspense. On Sunday, Mother’s Day, the final fights took place at the Yunost sports school. The strongest boxers of the competition fought for gold medals. The fight for first place was serious. After each final fight there was an awards ceremony. A total of 22 pairs competed in the finals of the interregional boxing tournament. Inta athletes held 8 fights. The guys fought for medals like real warriors, but not everyone managed to win. Over three days, from November 24 to 26, more than 80 dynamic and spectacular fights took place in the Inta ring. Every boxer counted on victory and dreamed of winning a gold medal. The coaches had high expectations for the students; the mentors supported their students as best they could, losing their voice. The climax of the tournament was the most interesting final battle in the men’s category between Mikhail Shkarpov from Pechora and Said Mirzoev from Inta. The fight was so intense that the spectators silently screamed. The men demonstrated undeniable technique and refined reactions. Mikhail Shkarpov from Pekhora is much older than from Intin. Mikhail is already 30 years old. The man is a candidate for master of sports; he keeps no records of his battles. Said Mirzoev is a college student training under the guidance of Taras Tsvirchak. The guy is one of the strongest boxers of the Komi Republic, has the title of candidate master of sports, multiple winner and prize-winner of the Northwestern Federal District, republican and all-Russian competitions. Said has been boxing for 9 years; before this tournament he had 150 fights and won almost all of them. Despite the obvious advantage, the local athlete gave his opponent from Pechora the opportunity to prove himself. By unanimous decision of the judges, victory in the fight was awarded to Intinsian. Said Mirzoev once again became the champion of the Interregional tournament. The young man admits that he won all his medals thanks to coach Taras Tsvirchak. He says that success can only be achieved in tandem with an experienced teacher who knows what to do and how to do it, and will always give practical advice on what to pay attention to in order to win. “At this tournament, this victory was not very difficult for me. I expected more competitors, they said that several would come, but only one could do it. I try not to evaluate my opponents; for me they are not weak. Everyone is worthy, and I prepare for all competitions the same way. I enter the ring with the same attitude – to win,” said Said Mirzoev. Said recently switched to adult boxing from juniors. The difference is big: everything is different here, without a helmet the impacts are felt differently, the competition is high. All winners of the interregional tournament “Inta – Golden Heart of Komi” received prizes – medals, cups, certificates and diplomas. Several boxers received cash prizes. The winners were also recognized in the following categories: “For the best technique” – Timofey Meshchaninov from Pechora, “For the will to win” – boxer from Salekhard Artem Lavrenov, “For the most beautiful fight” – Diris Mirzoev from Inta and Mikhail. Shkarpov from Pekhora.

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