Orthodox priest explains what threat abortion poses to a woman’s soul

Publication in CHAT: Russia

A priest of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) Dmitry Sokolov explained to believers what spiritual consequences await a woman who has an abortion. The topic remains sensitive for a long time, although the Russian Orthodox Church does not approve of such medical intervention – Human life is a gift from God, and no one has the right to take the life of an unborn child. Abortion is a grave sin, it is murder,” said Father Dmitry. Sins corrupt the soul, according to the Holy Scripture. A person who is completely dark inside goes to hell, and most likely, there will be no mercy for him. Despite the negative attitude of the church, priests continue to show mercy to women who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. As soon as someone turns to the temple for help, they will definitely provide support, the priest said. At the same time, those who are thinking about aorta can even receive financial assistance, and not only psychological and legal. “It is important to always remember that motherhood is a huge gift,” the PN portal quotes Dmitry Sokolov as saying. In Orthodoxy, abortion is considered one of the most serious sins, which is equivalent to murder. Father Vasily Listovoy spoke about how to atone for infanticide. Before this, the Russian Orthodox Church suggested not to perform abortions on women without medical indications, if there is no consent of the spouse. Cohabitation of unmarried couples, like adultery, is a serious sin for which one can lose the Kingdom of Heaven. Orthodox priests say that serious consequences await those who do not want to change their lives.

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