On the way to Falaza, tourists are greeted by a puddle with oil stains and the smell of fuel oil.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The inspections that took place in September along the Smolny riverbed did not affect the reservoir with petroleum products near the Rosrezerva plant in Anisimovka. The lake, past which the tourist route to the Smolny Falls and Mount Falaze passes, is still covered with oil stains, and a pungent smell of fuel oil emanates from it. The reservoir, contaminated with oil products, is located next to the Rosrezerva plant called “Vzmorye” (Smolnaya, 20). As a rule, it is found by tourists going to Smolny Falls. It’s hard not to notice – the water emits a strong smell of fuel oil, and oil stains are visible on the surface. There is a pipe running through the lake, if you can call it that, and a small stream flows into it – whether it comes from a pipe or from the ground, it’s hard to say. About 100 meters from the reservoir there is a concrete tank with residual fuel oil, which smells even stronger of petroleum products. It is likely that this reservoir and the artificially created lake are connected. There is an assumption that it was specially created for oil waste. It is difficult to say what exactly the Vzmorye plant does. According to OKVED, its activities are designated as storage and warehousing. There is information in open sources that the enterprise has two tanks designed “for measuring the volume of oil and petroleum products, as well as for their reception, storage and release.” There is also a 2017 license for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization and disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes. And in the same year, the Office of the Federal Agency for State Reserves in the Far Eastern Federal District revealed a violation – the plant did not confirm the examination of the industrial safety of these same tanks. Readers of VL.ru News have been talking about the oil lake since last year. They even saw dead birds stained with oil in it. They say that in September oil spills appeared in the Smolny stream. However, two inspections carried out by the Far Eastern Interregional Directorate of Rosprirodnadzor and the Ministry of Natural Resources did not confirm this. Perhaps, based on complaints from tourists from Vladivostok, specialists were looking for an oil spill, but simply did not guess about the condition of the reservoir with tanks or did not consider it necessary to check. The reservoir is located next to the reservoirs of Rosrezerv:

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