Oh, these are not fictional stories – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In Ukropublik they are happy that the Iskander was shot down. And the operator and commentators claim that the video shows the “warhead” of the rocket))

Check out the rocket crater. Funny and sad at the same time.

For understanding, we attach an image of what the Iskander actually looks like.

#nasamomdelev #nasamomdelevdnepr #dnipro #Dnipro #Dnipro #propaganda #iskander

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Based on materials from the Telegram channel “Actually in the Dnieper”
Oh, these are not fictional stories
Oh, these are not fictional stories

In Ukropublik they are happy that the Iskander was shot down. And the operator and commentators claim that the video shows the “warhead” of the rocket))

Check out the rocket crater. Funny and sad at the same time.

For understanding, we attach an image of what the Iskander actually looks like.

#nasamomdelev #nasamomdelevdnepr #dnipro #Dnipro #Dnipro #propaganda #iskander

Our channel | Our chat | Our bot

Source: Actually in Dnieper

Oh, these are not fictional stories

Oh, these are not fictional stories

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