Notebook readers raised money for two robots to evacuate the wounded to the Northern Military District

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Recently, the editorial board announced a fundraiser for the “Kulibin” robots created by Donetsk with the call sign “Docent”. Their evacuation cart has successfully passed tests. The invention is already saving dozens of soldiers’ lives, supplying our soldiers and taking the wounded away from the battlefield. The cart is also used as a chassis for a turret with a machine gun – you can remotely shoot the Ukrainian drone “Baba Yaga”, which drops mines on our children. And here are two robots with the inscription “Kulibins”. in front of the readers of “Bloknot”, collected with the money earned by our readers. Soon they will be sent to the front lines. Our readers have the opportunity to help by raising money for new drag robots and Baba Yaga killers. All money goes directly to the developers. Our war correspondent Isabella Liberman will publish a video report: 2200030529836117 Victory will be ours 1688 News on Bloknot-Taganrog

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