Northerner Registers Three Strangers – Russia Today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

News | 26 07 2024, 20:50 | SeverPost Photo: SeverPost/Alexander Loginov A 42-year-old resident of Apatity fictitiously registered three strangers. She registered three people from neighboring countries in her apartment on Kosmonavtov Street, but in fact they did not live there. The information was confirmed by the local police commissioner. All facts of fictitious registration of foreign citizens have been confirmed, the Telegram channel “People’s Television “Khibiny” reports. According to the resident of Apatity, she took such a step only for material gain. The owner of the “rubber” apartment faces up to three years in prison Recall that in the Arctic, a motorcyclist collided with a foreign car. Read also: Huge traffic jam in Murmansk. [видео]

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