Named ways to instill in a child a love of reading – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In order for a child to start reading during the holidays, he should be motivated in different ways, notes teacher Victoria Podsukhina. According to her, reading is important for a student not only for mastering the literature curriculum, but also for success in education in general. Reading develops logical thinking, imagination, and expands vocabulary, Podsukhina emphasized. She noted that for schoolchildren, books are a symbol of the educational process, so they can cause rejection, especially in the summer, writes Gazeta.Ru. The expert suggested rewarding the child for reading books. So, you can let him go to the cinema or amusement park. It is important that for a child such a reward is a powerful argument in favor of reading. You can also create a family reading club where all family members can discuss what they are reading. Podsukhina emphasized that the books chosen should be interesting to the child. For example, teenagers are often interested in adventure, fantasy, popular science literature, and even cartoons. Older students will enjoy detective stories, adventure literature and science fiction. In addition, the student will be motivated to read by visiting the library, where he will be able to familiarize himself with various types of literature and make his own choice. At the same time, you can go to the library with your friends or family. Previously, the State Duma supported a bill limiting the access of foreign agents to books in libraries.

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