Millionaire blogger Ayaz Shabutdinov detained until December 16 • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The Tagansky District Court of Moscow, at the request of the investigation, arrested millionaire blogger Ayaz Shabutdinov until December 16 on charges of fraud on an especially large scale as part of an organized group. The total damage in the fraud case is estimated at 4 million rubles. “Thus, the amount of damage seems too insignificant to select a preventive measure in the form of arrest,” lawyer Nikita Apalikov said in court. He offered to pay a bail for Shabutdinov in the amount of 4 million rubles, which is identical to the amount of damage. The blogger himself asked not to be taken into custody, saying that “I would be happy if I could be close to my children and my co-convict wife.” Shabutdinov was arrested the day before in Moscow, where he had flown from Austria. The capital’s prosecutor’s office reported that he was charged with 8 crimes under the heading of fraud committed by an organized group on a particularly large scale. The blogger, who has about two million followers on social networks, does not admit guilt. According to the prosecutor’s office, the defendant, along with his accomplices, “created a false impression among citizens about the opportunity to engage in entrepreneurial activity and earn a high income thanks to educational programs.” Shabutdinov offered to buy courses, trainings and webinars, after completing which students would be able to start a successful business and receive a guaranteed reception, which is not true.

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